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Remember that this group is meant for original maps, so a scan of an atlass will still not be accepted. They can either be of the entire world or just of regions. This folder is meant for all maps depicting a truthfull version of our own Earth, be it historical or of the present. The main example are dungon maps, but also floor plans of castles and towns with a grid can be found in this folder. This folder is meant for all maps which have a tactical/game purpose. Again, maps depicting a region of our own Earth can be submitted to Real World. This folder is meant for maps depiction region of a fictional world, most maps fall into this category. This folder is not meant for maps of our own Earth, they can be submitted to Real World. The definition of 'world' can change of course, but generally this folder is meant for maps which show all of some world and not just parts. This folder is meant for maps depicting an entire fictional world. Think about tutorials, brushes, textures, map items, etc. This is the folder for all resources which can be used to make maps.

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If anyone has different ideas about what fits where, please comment and we can decide what definition fits best, as this is my personal interpretation.

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I hope therefore that this overview clears up any confusion there might be about where to submit the maps to. Even though we've changed the name 'Alternate World' to 'Alternate Earth', there still seems to be some confusion about what kind of maps should be in which folders. So far, I've just moved the maps to the right folders, but it would of course be great if everyone puts their maps in the right gallery themselves. Recently, I've noticed an increasing amount of submissions to what I would consider the wrong gallery folder.

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